Please email contact@bioarchsouth.com to discuss your project and pricing

Identification of human bone from photos
BioArch South offers an expedited service to identify human bones from photographs. We can usually do this within a few hours. Please select the 'photography guide' tab for directions.
Bone Photo ID

Stakeholder consultation
BioArch South consults with groups relevant to each project following the guidelines provided by the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga (NZPT) Act 2014.

Excavation of human remains
BioArch South has the expertise and skills to expertly excavate human remains. We will work to your timeframe on projects big and small.

Post-excavation processes
Where necessary, we will carry out standard post-excavation procedures in a culturally appropriate manner before reburial.
Post-excavation processing

BioArch South offers a full suite of visual analyses to determine age, biological sex, stature, health and trauma.
We can also provide dietary and ancestry information through isotope, microfossil and ancient DNA analyses.

For all New Zealand-based consulting, BioArch South produces reports following the guidelines provided by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga and the New Zealand Archaeological Association. We respect the tikanga surrounding kōiwi.